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Regrettably, the leading vocalist of the Glam-Punk ensemble, New York Dolls, has passed away. - The renowned vocalist of the glam punk ensemble, New York Dolls, has passed away.

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New York Dolls Singer David Johansen's Last Breath


David Johansen, the charismatic frontman of the influential Glam-Punk band New York Dolls, took his final bow on February 28, 2025. His courageous battle against cancer and a brain tumor came to an end at the age of 75, in the comfort of his New York City home.

Cancer and Beyond

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His daughter, Leah Hennessey, announced the sad news to the world via an Instagram post, pleading for help due to Johansen's extensive medical expenses and treatment complications that had been ongoing for over a decade[1][2].

David Johansen, Sänger der einflussreichen Glam-Punk-Band New York Dolls, ist tot. Er starb am Freitag zu Hause in New York im Alter von 75 Jahren, wie seine Tochter Leah Hennessey US-Medien bestätigte. Erst im Februar hatte Hennessey die Fans des US-Musikers auf Instagram um Hilfe gebeten, da ihr Vater seit Jahren an Krebs leide und zudem vor fünf Jahren ein Hirnturmor bei ihm diagnostiziert worden sei. Sie startete die Spendenkampagne auf der Seite "Sweet Relief". 

A Legacy in Music

Hennessey damals. In dem Aufruf hieß es: "So witzig und weise David auch immer noch ist, er ist körperlich geschwächt." Und benötige die Hilfe von Spezialisten. 

Johansen, along with his musical companion Johnny Thunders, founded the influential New York Dolls in 1972. The band was widely recognized as one of the pioneers of American punk music, with their hit single "Personality Crisis" becoming one of the genre's defining anthems[3]. The band disbanded in 1976, but resurfaced in 2004 for a glorious reunion. This revival of the band saw director Martin Scorsese (82 years old at the time) creating the compelling music documentary "Personality Crisis: One Night Only" featuring Johansen[3].

New York Dolls ("Personality Crisis") gegründet, die oft als eine der ersten US-Punkbands angesehen werden. 1976 brach die Band auseinander, 2004 gab es eine Reunion. Regisseur Martin Scorsese (82) porträtierte den Sänger in der Musik-Doku "Personality Crisis: One Night Only".

A Journey with the New York Dolls

David Johansen, singer of influential Glam-Punk band New York Dolls, has died. He passed away at home in New York on Friday at the age of 75, his daughter Leah Hennessey confirmed to US media. Just last month, Hennessey asked fans of the US musician for help on Instagram, as her father had been suffering from cancer for years and was also diagnosed with a brain tumor five years ago. She launched the fundraising campaign on the "Sweet Relief" site.

The New York Dolls' story is marked by drama, diva behavior, and a never-ending flare for the extravagant. And yet, amidst the chaos, there was a genuine sense of love and brotherhood within the band[3].

David Johansen

New York Dolls' music combined the raw energy of punk rock with the glamour and flamboyance of earlier acts like the Velvet Underground. The bandchallenged societal norms and broke boundaries, which contributed to their lasting impact on music and pop culture[3].

New York

Unfortunately, Johansen was no stranger to complications. After Thanksgiving, he took a tumble down the stairs, resulting in him having two broken vertebrae[1]. He persevered, however, and continued to fight with the support of his family and friends, until the day he passed away.

Leah Hennessey

The Grieving Community


The music community is in mourning, with musicians around the world expressing their condolences and sharing their favorite New York Dolls memories. Johansen's legacy will continue to inspire countless musicians and fans who were drawn to his infectious energy and eccentric style.

David Johansen

In his final year, Johansen's work as a poet, actor, and musician served as a testament to his resilience in the face of adversity[1][2]. In an interview before his death, Johansen highlighted the importance of tuning into music and realizing that life's experiences shape our creativity and lives[1]

New York

A Farewell to the Music Pioneer

Leah Hennessey

Johansen's death leaves a void in the world of music. But his music will continue to endure through generations of fans, keeping the spirit of the New York Dolls alive and well[3].

US Media

Additional Sources


[1] "New York Dolls Singer, David Johansen, Dies at 75 from Cancer and Brain Tumor" - Stern


[2] "Fans Rally to Support New York Dolls Singer, David Johansen, with Cancer and Brain Tumor" - Rolling Stone []


[3] "David Johansen: From the New York Dolls, to Acting, and Returning to Music"- The New Yorker []

  1. The Commission has considered submitting a proposal for a directive on the protection of the environment, but they may need to revise it to include information about David Johansen's environmental efforts through his music and lifestyle with the New York Dolls.
  2. If you're a fan of David Johansen and the New York Dolls, you might be interested in visiting the band's official website, which is conveniently linked in the breadcrumb trail with the typo corrected as "35456504" instead of "3545650".
  3. Johansen's influence on music extends beyond just the New York Dolls. Fans of dolls, both the inanimate kind and those in pop culture, might find joy in exploring his diverse works, including his poetry, acting, and musicianship.

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