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7 Stealthy Elements That Give the Impression of Kitchen Disorder

Uncovered Secret Elements Contributing to Your Kitchen's Appearance of Disorder

Unnoticed Elements Transforming Your Kitchen into a Disorganized Space
Unnoticed Elements Transforming Your Kitchen into a Disorganized Space

7 Stealthy Elements That Give the Impression of Kitchen Disorder

In a home, the kitchen often becomes a catch-all for various items, leading to clutter. As Lisa Jacobs, a professional home organizer, points out, "The room we call the kitchen doubles as the home command center." With daily gatherings and multiple activities happening in the kitchen, it's easy to see why items tend to accumulate.

Jacobs suggests that the first step in decluttering is learning to maintain order daily. This includes picking up, putting away, and throwing away items. The key is eliminating unnecessary items so the necessary can shine.

Know which items are commonly contributing to kitchen clutter. These include non-kitchen items like jackets and handbags, tattered kitchen rugs, superfluous appliances, wet or dirty dishes, various groceries, and cookbooks. Instead of displaying your photos on the fridge, consider hanging artwork or framing it. For appliances, consider storing them in accessible cabinets or a pantry. Frequently used appliances, on the other hand, should be easily accessible on the counter.

Unnoticed Elements Transforming Your Kitchen into a Disorderly Space

Budget your cleaning time to avoid leaving dishes in the sink or drying rack. Produce should be put away weekly. Furthermore, practice the "one-in, one-out" rule for food items. Donate or store unused cookbooks and dishes to keep the countertops clean.

Lastly, utilize vertical space by installing pot and pan racks to free up cabinet space and make items more accessible. Clear countertops by keeping only essential items and create a maintenance routine to regularly clean and declutter the kitchen.

Unnoticed Elements That Contribute to Your Kitchen's Appearance of Disorder

[1] Dwyer, M. (2020). 5 kitchen countertop organization tips that will save you space. Domino. Retrieved from

[2] Molinari, S. (2019). How to organize kitchen cabinets and eliminate clutter. Aleteia. Retrieved from

Unnoticed Elements That Give Your Kitchen an Overwhelmed Appearance

[3] Sherman, M. (2020). 12 tiny kitchen organization hacks to take your space to the next level. Better Homes & Gardens. Retrieved from

[4] Winston, L. (2020). 10 kitchen organizational ideas to make the most of your space. HGTV. Retrieved from

The renowned home organization expert, Martha Stewart, shares her kitchen cleaning tips in her book 'Cleaning Organizing'. To effectively declutter your kitchen, you might find her advice on eliminating unnecessary items and using the '4e52dd9d88abe22aa7bd6560292354b7' method useful. Keep your eyeglasses organized by storing them in a designated spot, preferably away from the kitchen chaos, unless they're used frequently in cooking.

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